Sunday 20 November 2011

Mole Conversions

Grams => Moles
= *1mol/ (?)g

Moles => Formula unit/ Particle/ Atoms
= *( 6.022*1023)/1mol

Formula unit/Particle/Atoms => Moles
=*1mol/( 6.022*1023)

Moles=> Grams
=* (?)g/ 1mol

1. How many moles of Ag are present in 3.0*1016 atoms of Ag?

3.0*1016  *1mol/( 6.022*1023)
= 5.0*10-8 Ag atoms

2.  How many atoms are present in 2 moles of carbon?

2moles C*( 6.022*1023)/1mol
= 1*1024 atoms C

3. What is mass in grams of 1.41 moles of Iron?
Atomic mass of Fe= 5.845u
Molar mass of Fe= 5.845g/mol
1.41mol Fe * 5.845g Fe/ 1mol Fe = 8.24g Fe

4. How many moles are there in 92.0 grams of lead?
Atomic mass of Pb = 207.2u
Molar mass of Pb = 207.2g/mol

92.0g Pb * 1mol Pb/ 207.2g Pb = 0.444 mol Pb

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