Sunday 12 February 2012

Translating Word Equation/ Naming Compound

Translating Word Equation/ Naming Compound

Ionic Compound

Metal stay the same and non metal has to add “ide” in the end

LiCl à Lithium Chloride

BeS à Beryllium Sulphide

PbF4à Lead(IV) Fluoride

Covalent Compound

We put word in front of non metal for different number

1-      Mono

2-      Di

3-      Tri

4-      Tetra

5-      Penta

6-      Hexa

7-      Hepta

8-      Octa

9-      Nona

10-  Deca

11-  Hendeca

12-  Dodeca

We put everything except mono for the non metal in the front.

Everything for non metal in the back


HCL          Hydro Chloric acid

H2SO4      Sulphuric acid

H2SO3            Sulphurous acid

Ate à ic

Ite à ous

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