Thursday 3 May 2012

Chemical Bonding

Water molecule (H2O)

Chemical Bonding

The bonding of elements can be catagorized into either ionic or covalent. In an ionic compound the electrons are simply given from one element to another leaving one element positive and the other negative because of the shift of electrons.

Ionic bond of chlorine and sodium

As can be seen in the diagram the electrons from the valence shell are given to another element giving both elements a full valence shell. Covalent bonds are when electrons are shared. Depending on the electronegativity of the elements present the bond can become polarized. For example in water (the first diagram), oxygen has a higher eleconegativity and becomes slightly negative while the hydrogens become slightly positive. For covalent bonds inbetween the same elements or similar electronegativities the elements in the compound don't become polarized.

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