Tuesday 18 October 2011


Three States of Matter


Atoms in solids are tightly packed in an orderly fashion, and vibrate slowly but don’t move from place to place.

- Keeps its own volume and shape.


Atoms are close together and free flowing, sliding past one another.

- Takes the shape of its container.


Atoms are spaced far apart with no arrangement and move quickly.

- Takes the shape and volume of its volume.


-          more than one set of properties

-          physically combined

-          more than one kind of substance

Homogeneous (solutions and colloids)

-          uniform throughout

-          appears to have only one component

Heterogeneous (suspensions and mechanical mixtures)

-          non uniform

-          appears to have more than one component


-          one set of properties

-          one kind of particle

Element (metals, metalloids and non-metals)

-          simplest form of matter

-          can not be decomposed

-          made up of atoms


-          made up of elements

-          smallest particle is called a molecule

-          ionic (acid, base, salt)

-          covalent (organic compounds)

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