Thursday 26 April 2012

Electronegativity and Polarity

(Red being the most electronegavite and yellow the least)

Electronegativity and Polarity

Electronegativity is the tendency of an element or atom to attract a bonding pair towards itself in a compound. It can range anywhere between 4(fluorine) and 0.7(francium). The higher the number the more likely that electrons will be pulled towards that element in a compound. When a compound is formed with two different elements depending on the electronegativity the elements become polarized. The symbols + and - mean "slightly positive" and "slightly negative". You read + as "delta plus" or "delta positive". The more electronegative element becomes slightly negatively charged while the less electronegative element becomes slightly positive.

In the compound of Carbon and Fluorine, the more electronegative Fluorine attracts the electron pairs and becomes slightly negative and with the carbon is left with less electrons near it becomes slightly positive.

For more insight try this link:

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